In addition to an exciting round of talks with Bürkle experts Robert A. Gaiser, Sales Director Technical Glass, and Daniel Klaus, Process Development, the easy-LAM IFL laminating system was presented live at the Freudenstadt plant.
“We were very pleased that so many took part in the digital event. This shows that there is a lot of interest in the market for our new technology for glass lamination,” commented Robert Gaiser looking back at the 50-minute event. For all those who are interested, a video of the entire event in English can be viewed below.
[Bürkle supplies lamination line for production of solar modules]
Bürkle entered the glass market in 2018 with its innovative glass lamination technology. Instead of autoclaves, Bürkle relies on flatbed lamination, which promises above all short cycle times and more efficient glass lamination. For the lamination of flat and safety glass, the easy-LAM IFL is equipped with three flat presses that laminate completely in-line and increase the degree of automation and flexibility in production.