The founder and managing director of fenzta COM GmbH sees a great need for action in supporting sales work with digital tools. After all, he says, his solution can make window sales even more tangible for customers and make the value even more visible.
Frank Lange, Managing Director of the VFF Verband Fenster + Fassade (Window and Façade Association), also sees a need: "It is impossible to imagine the window industry without digital solutions. Well animated and technically implemented solutions - of which the fenzta Home App is clearly one - make many things easier and more cost-effective to experience. I think the vision of visualising windows in buildings and thereby creating a customer experience is a great thing. I'm looking forward to further developments and could well imagine, for example, that in the future government subsidy measures or a kind of analysis function that shows the end customer when it's worth replacing old windows will also be integrated into such digital solutions."
This is what the showroom of the future will look like
It is clear that building element sales will have to be rethought. For example, future advice to architects and builders will become more digital, which is why some companies have already developed their own tools to counteract this. It is also a fact that anyone who wants to remain competitive in the future must offer digital tools for all phases - from design to execution and operation to deconstruction in terms of the circular economy. "In combination with the fenzta Home App, there are exciting synergies for the future that can raise the customer experience to a whole new level," says Karl-Theo Roes.
See also: Five answers on digitalization from Markus Fischer, Head of Sales Software/Automation at Lisec

As a kind of 'showroom in your pocket', the aim of the app is to combine virtual and real impressions in the most meaningful way possible. Often suppliers don't have their own showroom or don't have the possibility to display all elements - this is where the app, as a digital extension of the showroom, is supposed to offer suppliers a concrete added value. Customers can experience the haptics of a building element in a showroom, and this cannot be replaced by digital tools. But a smart solution can in turn create additional inspiration on the customer side - for example, by allowing the customer to experience the window in their own four walls via augmented reality.
Digital solutions for sun shading
"In many areas of daily life, the trend is increasingly moving towards worlds of experience - whether analogue or virtual. This also applies to the purchase of a sun shading system. Visualisations therefore play a strong role in our consulting. Digital solutions in particular are becoming more and more sophisticated and offer us great opportunities to give our customers an understanding of the individually customised Warema products and their wide range of variants," says Dominik Frauenhofer, Head of Target Group Management at Warema Renkhoff SE.
The fact that the fenzta Home App is not just limited to the profile or glass, but as an overall solution includes all potential suppliers that cover components of a window, is the core idea of the digital platform that connects end customers and suppliers. For example, manufacturers of hardware, sun shading, aluminium shells, automation or security technology, but also paints, foils or handles have the opportunity to make their products visible and tangible in augmented reality.
Also interesting: Updated installation guides from ift Rosenheim for windows and facades in English

Arvid Bürkle, product manager for window technology at Geze, also sees further possible fields of development in the preparation of data for architects and planners: "Samples, trade fairs and showrooms are very expensive and do not show any customised solutions. The fenzta app, on the other hand, works in a customer-oriented way - and in two simple steps, the customer can already visualise his desired window in augmented reality. Especially for our products, a visualisation of the overall solution in AR is of course exciting. Another advantage would also be the direct generation of tender texts and BIM objects that the planner can use. As soon as the interfaces in an app function perfectly, human errors - which can sometimes occur, for example, when data is forwarded from the field to the office or manually entered into the ERP system - cannot even creep in. Therefore, it makes sense in any case to digitalise the quotation process as best as possible".