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Illuminated facades

Kuzman Glas: LED facade lights up the night at Audi

The client, Gottfried Schultz Automobilhandels SE, wanted a new, prestigious building envelope that would emphasise the value of the cars on offer. Architect Besno Kalo took on the function of renovating the facade.

‘It had to be something special, something with light,’ explains architect Kalo. ‘The idea was to light up the facade in the evening. I didn't even know Kuzman Invison at the time; I only became aware of the company and its expertise in LED lighting solutions through research on the internet.’

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The impressive lighting solution was developed together with Johann van Bezoijen, who designed the facade, and Kuzman Invision, in line with the motto: ‘as present as possible, but as discreet as possible’.

Kuzman Invision

Illuminated facade with changing light scenarios

Kuzman Invision

The glass facade on Altenessener Straße in Essen consists of a main facade and four bay windows, all of which can be illuminated. In the evening, it shines in a pleasant white or, according to the client's wishes, in different colours.

For example, the facade was illuminated in the colours of the German flag on the Day of German Unity and in the club colours for Rot-Weiss Essen home games. A colour scenario in rainbow colours is also possible.

Kuzman Invision

It was very important to the client to be able to convey ‘messages’ via the new facade. The built-in LEDscreen elements illuminate homogeneously and are low-reflection in the view so that they do not distract passing motorists.

Kuzman Invision

How is the LEDscreen illuminated facade constructed?

The first step for the new facade was to adapt the substructure. New round point brackets ensure that the greater glass thickness of the individual LEDscreen elements - compared to the previous facade panels - can now be accommodated.

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Each LEDscreen lighting element is a self-contained unit - consisting of different panels or glass panes, framed by an aluminium frame that also supports the LEDs.

The 30 mm thick lighting element is constructed as follows: on the outside it is a laminated safety glass made of TVG with matt white, light-intensifying foil, followed by the 14 mm thick diffusing panel with light-optimised light matrix and a matt white reflector panel on the inside.

The LEDs feed the light into the side light-emitting diffusing disc via the edge on support strips.

The light is evenly distributed by the laser-cut structure of the diffusing panel, whereby the LSG front panel is homogeneously backlit over a wide area. The glass structure has been tested for long-term functionality and IP 65 tightness.

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The light source, i.e. the LEDs, can be replaced if necessary so that the quality of the glass structure does not suffer and the elements are therefore very durable. The largest dimension of an LEDscreen element is 3523 x 1060 mm.

Supplier Kuzman Glas is a member of the FlachglasMarkenKreis.

Christian Rittershaus, Centre Manager of the Audi Centre Essen, is delighted. ‘So far, we have received nothing but positive feedback from our customers. The facade lighting with the flag motifs has been particularly well received.’

Project data of the facade refurbishment

Client: Gottfried Schultz Automobilhandels SE
Architect: Studio K Architects, Besno Kalo
Facade planning: Johan van Bezooijen
LED lighting solution: Kuzman Invision

Kuzman Invision