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Next Energy Technologies

World’s largest fully transparent Organic PV window

Next OPV coatings address the three big challenges to creating a scalable solution for the commercial glass industry: aesthetics, performance and manufacturability. The neutral grey coating is combined with power generation and in-line manufacturing to make a first-of-a-kind solution for the glass industry.

“The combination of highest quality aesthetics, power generation and integration with the glass supply chain is a game changer in the push towards designing Net Zero buildings,” stated Andy Cohen, Gensler Co-Chairman. “Just mid-last year, we were demonstrating Next’s 27 by 35-inch OPV windows at our office in LA.”

First installations in Europe on horizon

Next is preparing demonstration installations with key US and European partners while focusing on shifting from pilot to production scale and obtaining UL safety and performance certification for grid-connected projects.

See also: New technology transforms windows into a source of solar power

“This is further evidence to an industry hungry for a solution that our combination of OPV coatings and manufacturing processing is working, scaling and can be rapidly deployed,” said Daniel Emmett, Co-Founder, Executive Chairman, and CEO of Next.

Potentially meet up to a quarter of energy demand

Next’s proprietary transparent organic photovoltaic (OPV) coating can transform commercial windows into clean energy-generating facades, making buildings more sustainable and resilient and alleviating strain on the grid.

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A building with Next OPV facades can produce significant onsite renewable power, offsetting 20 to 25 per cent of a typical commercial building’s energy load. These windows also take over a sun shading role, reducing the building’s HVAC demands.