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War in Ukraine:

Aluprof terminates all cooperation with Russian companies

Aluprof and all other companies of Grupa Kęty are ending their cooperation with companies from Russia and Belarus with immediate effect. This was announced by Tomasz Grela, Managing Director of Aluprof SA, in a press release. In doing so, the parties involved want to send a signal of rejection against the attack against Ukraine.

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Tomasz Grela: "For over a month we have been watching with concern the criminal activities beyond our eastern border and we are doing our best to help the people of Ukraine. Values such as peace, freedom, solidarity, respect as well as the protection of human lives and health are close to our brand. The criminal actions of the Russian aggressor in Ukraine are in complete contradiction with our moral principles. The termination of cooperation, even if it entails consequences for our business, is in our opinion the only right decision in view of the brutal actions of Russian troops on Ukrainian territory," Grela emphasises.

Support for neighbouring Ukraine

The Board of Grupa Kęty and Aluprof recently declared their full support for the Ukrainian nation and condemned the Russian army's attack on Ukraine. The company is also directly affected: The manufacturer of aluminium systems employs people from Ukraine and has a subsidiary there.

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Tomasz Grela continues: "We firmly believe that the solidarity of the entire business community in the face of these tragic events will contribute to a significant weakening of the Russian economy and consequently to the cessation of hostilities and the withdrawal of the Russians from Ukrainian territory," Grela continues.