Back in 1952 - with the invention of the Float process - Sir Alastair Pilkington was considered a trailblazer by his contemporaries. But not even he could have imagined the innovations that Pilkington UK would subsequently produce.

Pilkington UK
The process is considered by many to be one of Britain's most important innovations since World War II, as it enabled the efficient mass production of perfectly flat and clear glass. Its invention was a key moment for the glass industry and opened up new possibilities in architecture and automotive design.
Without float glass, we could hardly use window and facade glass as we do today. The new process for manufacturing float glass made it possible to produce the material more cost-effectively and at a higher quality than before.
From developing exciting new coatings such as the energy-efficient Pilkington K Glass, to finding more sustainable ways to operate the manufacturing process invented by Sir Alastair, Pilkington UK has continued to pioneer new technologies, manufacturing processes and products in the 70 years since its discovery.