Schwan Glas
Create privacy in the blink of an eye? Smart glass makes it possible. At the touch of a button, opaque glass becomes transparent glass, and all that with just an electric current. Whether switchglas from Schwan Glas or GMVG Smart Glass from Glas Mayer Ginsheim, the way the glass works is the same.

At Roto, collaborative robots pack finished hardware parts and are intended to further improve delivery quality for customers of the hardware manufacturer. And the supplier for the window industry has identified even more areas of digitalisation and will be relying on artificial intelligence.

AGC Glass Europe
The inauguration ceremony for the renovated AGC float glass line in Bor, Russia, took place recently. This float glass line had been shut down for cold repairs. Now the new float line has started production.

If a glazing system is not considered as a whole, serious weaknesses can occur. Every single constructive detail of a burglary-resistant glazing system plays an important role and can result in or prevent a break-in.