Armor ASCA
Manufacturer Armor Solar from Kitzingen in Bavaria has developed a new technology with which organic solar cells (OPV) can be integrated quickly, easily and flexibly into any glass format and facade.

Providing indoor spaces with sufficient fresh, germ-free air is currently a key issue. Independent institutes and research communities confirm the importance of providing fresh air indoors as an effective means of combating Covid-19 aerosol transmission and increasing well-being.

The Thermoseal Group has been awarded the 2021 National Fenestration Awards in the Spacer Bar Manufacturer of the Year category for the second year running.

Zaha Hadid Architects
That is what project developer Omniyat calls "The Opus" tower in downtown Dubai. The building envelope pushes the limits of what is technologically feasible with advanced engineering. Edgetech Super Spacer TriSealTM are a key part of this massive 3D puzzle.