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Reducing plastic waste:

BarteltGlasBerlin no longer uses plastic packaging

"Against the industry trend, we no longer additionally pack our glasses in plastic film to protect them from transport," says the company management of BarteltGlasBerlin. "Our experience shows that breakage or damage is not more frequent without packaging." That is why the company has decided to do without plastic packaging, he says.

Only at the special request of the customer would the glasses be packed in foil. The costs are borne by the customer. The turnover based on packaging is donated proportionally to NABU. Specifically, projects are to be supported that are committed to cleaning the oceans of plastic.

This is how BarteltGlasBerlin wants to set a good example

At BarteltGlasBerlin, the manufactured glass leaves the factory without plastic packaging as a contribution to environmental protection.


At BarteltGlasBerlin, the manufactured glass leaves the factory without plastic packaging as a contribution to environmental protection.

"Environmental protection concerns us all. That is why we want to set a good example. We are all the more pleased that the majority of our customers are positively disposed towards the project and now often critically question whether packaging is absolutely necessary," says Julia-Geburzi-Horn, commercial director of BarteltGlasBerlin GmbH.

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In addition, all printed materials used, such as brochures and product sheets, are climate-neutral. The CO2 emissions caused during production are offset by supporting climate protection projects. In concrete terms, the company is also committed to reducing plastic waste in the oceans.

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