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Glaston receives SBTi validation for carbon emission reduction targets

Glaston is among the first glass processing technology companies to receive SBTi validation for its greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets. The company aims to reduce its absolute Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 50.4% by 2032 compared to 2022. Additionally, Glaston is committed to decreasing Scope 3 emissions by 58.1% per square meter of sold glass processing capacity within the same timeframe.

See also: GPD 2023: It’s all about the carbon!

Scope 1 and 2 emissions from Glaston’s own operations constitute a small fraction of its total emissions. To achieve its reduction targets, Glaston plans to phase out natural gas and other fossil fuels, significantly increasing the proportion of renewable energy.

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Approximately 99% of Glaston’s emissions are generated in its value chain (Scope 3), with the most significant sources being electricity consumption during the machines' lifecycle (81% in 2023) and purchased products and services (17% in 2023). To meet its Scope 3 target, Glaston will develop its operating processes and products in cooperation with subcontractors, suppliers, and customers.

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In 2023, Glaston’s total emissions were 323,883 tons of CO2 equivalents (tCO2e), with Scope 1 and 2 emissions at 1,283 tCO2e and Scope 3 emissions at 322,644 tCO2e.

About the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi)

SBTi is an organization that encourages companies to set science-based targets that will increase their competitiveness in the transition to a low-carbon society. Companies committed to the initiative set for their operations science-based emissions reduction targets in accordance with the Paris Agreement, which support measures to limit global warming to 1.5 °C.