The current situation calls for everyone to adhere to higher hygienic measures and to rethink everyday tasks such as using a door handle, a window handle or pushing the shopping cart. Wearing gloves only helps to a limited extent in these cases, as the following also applies here: If a person touches a surface that has viruses on it and then touches their face, that person can be infected and thus transmit the viruses.
International studies have repeatedly proven that copper has antiviral, antibacterial and fungicidal properties, which significantly shorten the survival time of viruses, bacteria and fungi. A study commissioned by the US authorities recently showed that copper also inactivates the SARS-CoV-2 virus in a very short time. Due to its positive properties, some hospitals, for example, also use door handles made of solid copper. An independent laboratory test has shown that the Shieldex copper tape, due to its metallization process, is able to release seven times more copper ions on average compared to solid copper.
Lab tests prove effectiveness
Shieldex Copper-Tape is a copper-plated polyamide fleece (refined with pure copper) with a self-adhesive foil on the back. It can be easily attached to door handles, window handles, shopping trolleys, elevator buttons, PIN terminals or other potential sources of germs or viruses. Various international studies have shown that copper’s antiviral, antibacterial and fungicidal properties can drastically reduce the half-life of microbes.
Do you know what else is made with copper? This Building!

CMC Klebetechnik
The latest laboratory results also independently prove the effectiveness of the Shieldex copper tape. The Eurovir hygiene laboratory was able to show that 99.98% of TGEV and coronaviruses on the tape are inactivated after just 60 minutes. In addition, another virus test was carried out in the Eurovir laboratory for bovine coronaviruses. In the course of this investigation, it was found that after the shortest possible test period of 7 minutes, no residual virus was detectable (corresponds to a virus inactivation rate of more than 99.99%).
Antibacterial, antiviral and fungicidal properties
The bovine coronavirus is one of the beta coronaviruses, which also includes SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2. The renowned Hohenstein Institute also confirms the significant virucidal and strong antibacterial effectiveness of the Shieldex copper tape. CMC Klebetechnik see their copper tape as a way to support the hygiene measures of companies and public institutions, while at the same time increasing the safety of the public.
See also: A glass coating that kills viruses using sunlight
Copper has been used in a wide variety of products for countless years due to its antibacterial, antiviral and fungicidal properties. We also encounter this precious metal every day in the form of coins or water pipes. The proven virucidal activity of copper can of course also be helpful for the current situation.