When Sungate ThermL glass is paired in a one-inch IGU with a half-inch airspace with argon and Solarban 70 glass on the second surface, the U-value is 0.19, a 21 percent improvement over using Solarban 70 glass alone. Additional performance benefits of pairing Sungate ThermL glass with Solarban 70 glass include a visible light transmittance (VLT) of 63 per cent and a solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) of 0.27.

See also: Vitro and First Solar to provide more glass for solar panels
A one-inch IGU with a half-inch airspace with argon, Solarban 60 glass on the second surface and Sungate ThermL glass on the fourth surface provides a U-value of 0.20, which is a 20 percent improvement over using Solarban 60 glass alone. This combination of Sungate ThermL glass with Solarban 60 glass enables a VLT of 69 percent and SHGC of 0.38.
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Available now exclusively through Vitro Authorized and Vitro Certified fabricators, Sungate ThermL glass is ideal wherever increased insulation performance is needed. Another benefit of Sungate ThermL glass is that the coating is as durable and resistant to mechanical abrasion as uncoated glass.