The aim of the prototype is to reduce the energy consumption of the hospital by applying a Phase Change Material (PCM) to achieve a passive cooling and heating system. During the summer days the solar radiation will be reflected by a prismatic glass that is placed in front of the PCM container, in order to make sure that the PCM can absorb all the heat from the overheating rooms. During the night, specially designed ventilation lids which will open and permit the fresh outdoor air to cool and re-solidify the PCM. On winter days when the sun is lower in the sky, the sunshine heats up the PCM and then later give off the heat into the room.

TU Delft / Bucky Lab
See also some other Bucky Lab prototypes:
When wind outdoors brings cooling indoors
Star-shaped sun shading
Hospital room with a view
The PCM is a material that is capable of absorbing and liberating great amounts of energy upon melting and solidifying. For this project the students built a 1:1 prototype with adjusted dimensions where they have used two PCMs with different melting points and also water to illustrate the 3 different phases of solid, semi-liquid and liquid.