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Using a laser printing process, Hegla boraident from Halle in Germany offers a solution for making window and facade glass visible to birds. At glasstec 2024, the company presented the BIRDfriend Mobile, a device that can be used to retrofit existing glass surfaces with protection against bird strike.
Bird strikes on building facades, windows, glass noise barriers and glass balustrades are a problem; according to Germany's Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU), around 100 million birds are killed in collisions every year in Germany alone. A range of bird protection glass solutions are already available on the market. In this exclusive interview, behavioural biologist Dominique Waddoup explains the state of research and how testing can be optimised and further developed.
The Swiss company Seen AG, in collaboration with the Bavarian Association for the Protection of Birds (LBV) and other nature and bird protection organisations, has developed an innovative product for retrofitting glass windows and facades to prevent bird collisions.
At least 1000 birds collided with a building in Chicago on 4 and 5 October and died while migrating south to their wintering grounds, according to articles in the Washington Post and the Guardian. Retrofitting with bird-screening glass should now be high on the agenda here.
The new central library of the University of Marburg is another architectural highlight for the city. The building nevertheless sets its own design accent. Exciting: the glass facade of the atrium consists of around 1300 square metres of Ornilux mikado bird protection glass from Isolar. Here are the details.
To make glass panes safe for birds, these laser processing systems from Cericom can help glass processors to produce bird protection glass directly from float glass. Here are the details.
Glass surfaces larger than 20 square metres are to be banned in future, according to the new Nature Conservation Act of the German state of Hesse (HeNatG). GW-News spoke to Hans-Joachim Arnold of Arnold Glas, the company that was the first to develop and market bird protection glass.
With the innovative sedak printing grid, a proportion of less than two per cent of the glass surface is already sufficient to largely exclude bird impact, according to sedak. This ensures maximum transparency and optimum bird protection for almost any glass, up to a size of 3.60 × 20 m. The high effectiveness is confirmed by the "Collision Laboratories" institute in Austria.
According to the NABU (the German Association for the Protection of the Environment), around 100 million birds die in Germany every year because they recognise glass panes too late and fly into them. This does not have to be the case. For this reason, Glas Marte now also offers glass that effectively prevents bird strikes.
Bird protection is becoming increasingly important and should already be taken into account when planning glass facades. Here you can find out how Flachglas MarkenKreis and its project consultants help to tackle the problem in the planning phase.
How to make bird protection glass beautiful With Saflex FlySafe 3D, Eastman introduces a new PVB interlayer that is an effective way to keep birds from colliding with glass facades and also enables highly transparent pane assemblies. Here are the details.
The transparency and reflection of glass makes windows and facades dangerous for birds. Vegetation and sky are reflected in the glass or birds do not see the glass surfaces, in both cases they fly towards it and collide with it. The result: millions of dead birds. Find out how complex glass facades and bird protection can be optimally combined with Ornilux glass.