The highlights of this year's glasstec trade fair (20 - 23.09.2022) include the glasstec conference, the international architecture congress and the innovation show glass technology live.
Tickets for glasstec 2022 and the events are also available now: Ticketshop. In addition, the glasstec exhibitor database is now online.
The glasstec supporting programme
The glasstec conference in Hall 11 brings together industry know-how from theory and practice and is held in the context of the five global hot topics (climate protection, resource efficiency, urbanisation, sustainable value creation and well-being).
Every day, visitors to glasstec 2022 can find out about the latest developments and trends in lectures on glass production, glass processing and finishing, as well as glass products and applications.
The glasstec conference programme at a glance
Tuesday 20 September - Glass processing and finishing Resource-saving production and digital solutions
Wednesday 21 September - Glass production I On the way to climate neutrality
Thursday 22 September - Glass products and applications I New glass products and trends
Friday, 23 September - Glass products and applications II Solar glasses and new applications with glass

Additional lectures at the glasstec conference area, among others from the VDMA on the subject of machine communication and from EuroWindoor on the subjects of energy efficiency and the use of daylight as well as Glassinar with impulse lectures on the subject of glass in architecture and the building trade, complement the extensive conference programme. You can find the programme of the glasstec conference here.
Another fixed component of the supporting programme is the international architecture congress, which is being held for the first time in cooperation with Detail, Germany's leading architecture magazine, and the NRW Chamber of Architects. Click here for the programme.
Next in Glass - glass technology live
The innovation show glass technology live (gtl) will again be organised by the university network of the four technical universities Darmstadt, Delft, Dortmund and Dresden. Mock ups and innovative glass constructions from industry and science will once again amaze visitors.
Exclusive insights and details about gtl are provided by the glass technology live video interviews published so far, which can be viewed on the website of the same name and the glasstec social media channels. All exhibits at glass technology live also focus on at least one of the global trend themes of glasstec 2022.
The highly topical issues of climate protection and resource conservation across all sectors are also the focus of the parallel Expo for Decarbonised Industries > Energy Storage. It offers a wide range of products and services for climate-friendly, secure and economical energy supply in companies.
The programme of decarbXpo 2022
In addition to technologies and services, the Expo for Decarbonised Industries > Energy Storage (decarbXpo) offers an important platform for the exchange of information between user industries and experts from the field of renewable energies.

4JET Group
A forum programme with current best-practice examples and a conference programme that combines research and practice complete the fair. These include the International Renewable Energy Storage Conference, the ecoMetals Day and the international conference of the VDMA-AG Power-to-X for Applications.
From Production to Application: The #P2X ConferenceTopical hydrogen knowledge with an application focus will be available this year parallel to glasstec and decarbXpo directly at the Exhibition Centre: the VDMA is organising its conference From Production to Application: The #P2X Conference on 19 and 20 May.
The industry association has already published its preliminary programme. Central topics include: Electrolysis and other production processes for hydrogen, the application in process industries, safety-related issues, transport and logistics as well as the evaluation of entire supply chains and their business cases.
The abolition of access restrictions and distance rules will also enable all participants at glasstec 2022 to once again enjoy the pure trade fair experience. The high safety and hygiene standards will, of course, still be provided.